The boatage, it's
mooring, dropping, shifting all types of vessels, 365 days a year, 24h/24

What is Boatage ?
Etymologically, the boatman concept comes from old French "Laman". This term is derived from the Dutch "loostman" which means man of the probe, one who knows the funds and their treachery.
PARDESSUS defines the boatman, in his collection of maritime laws prior to the seventeenth century, as "the work and functions of the pilots established on the coasts and ports to guide ships in dangerous passes, including at the entrance and the output ports, harbors and rivers. "Orders in Colbert 1681, the boatman "is the work of seaman who lead the ship in any port or river and is known as steering." Indeed, through these definitions is readily apparent confusion that existed between the boatage and pilotage services, however, are distinct. There was even talk of boatman-pilot. From the 1950 pilotage and boatage separated to create independent businesses and more specifically structured activities.
Regulation of the exercise of Boatage in French ports.
A prefectural stopped defines for each port, the conditions of the linesmen and related operations.
approval must be issued by the Port Authority mooring companies. This sets including the total number of boatmen, execution conditions of service, material resources to implement to meet the requirements over the entire port.
status docking : The boatmen are specialized marine Merchant Marine and possess diplomas and certificates required to perform their mission, both on board marine equipment, on the docks. Young sailors recruited are subject to a probationary period within the company before being candidate for docking.
mooring operations are performed following terms and conditions:
The company only provides mooring equipment for the mooring operation. The boatmen are available to the master of the ship concerned and his agents are unique throughout the mooring operation. The master management and control of all operations, the boatmen being considered under his direction.
Terms of exercise linesmen:
The use of pilotage service shall in no case be made mandatory. However, the port authority may require the use by specific vessel, mooring service, if it considers that the ship is not able to perform mooring operations satisfactorily any as security for the ship for the harbor works.
In addition to the ship’s crew, to the extent that it is sufficient to simultaneously provide personnel on board and ashore in the conditions of approval, and to operate safely for both the ship for the port structures, only the boatmen belonging to a service authorized by the port director may participate in mooring operations of ships in the port district.
Tarifs mooring operations
In general, the rate is primarily a function of the berthing of vessel size.
Rates mooring cover the operating expenses of the business. The public service, particularly related to pollution control and wider maritime safety, do not give rise to subsidy from the state.
Affiliation companies mooring of France:
Members of the Maritime and Port Unions Local
Water committee members and local technical
Development activities:
Training of specialists for combating marine pollution and training of trainers in this field.
Participation in service recovery and disposal of waste produced by ship or maritime activity in the context of European policy for protection of the marine environment. (Project ECOPORT)
The members