Société Coopérative
des Lamaneurs
du Port de Dunkerque
The profession of boatman in Dunkirk as an independent profession dates from the beginning of the 19th century, at the time of sailing ships.
After numerous fatal accidents due to competition (race at sea to arrive first on the vessel offshore, to offer its services), at the end of the 19th century, the administrator of maritime registration required an agreement between all boaters boatman. Operations remained the same until 1945 when the port was completely destroyed after the war.
In 1947, two former boat owners were asked by the Chamber of Commerce to reorganize the service, so they created a de facto association. In 1970, this association brought together 24 people, it then transformed into a worker cooperative society of anonymous production, which is still the structure of the company today.
In 1979, creation of operations premises at Môle 4, and in 1982 at the same location, creation of the workshop and management offices.
Today in 2023, the Company’s workforce is 44 sailors, and 6 employees (1 Operations Assistant, 1 HR-Payroll Manager, 1 General Secretary/Quality Manager, 3 mechanics including 1 apprentice). We have: 9 speedboats (2 steel and 7 aluminum), 9 mooring trucks including 2 pick-ups, 5 cars including an electric vehicle, as well as a workshop truck. We also have 13 Yokohama type dock fenders, as well as 2 portable mooring winches.
Our services
- Mooring, releasing and unhauling commercial ships
- Crew complement on board barges or ships
- Pollution control
- Small tow
- Safety of bodies of water and basins
- Various nautical works
- Ship refueling

Contact details
BP 2-122 - Môle 4
Tél : +33 3 28 63 37 50
Our means
6 sedentary jobs (1 Operations Assistant, 1 HR-Payroll Manager, 1 General Secretary/Quality Manager, 3 mechanics including 1 apprentice).
Material Means
9 stars (7 in aluminum and 2 in steel)
9 trucks change moorings,
13 yokohama type dock fenders,
2 portable mooring winches,
5 cars including one electric
1 Workshop truck
The members