Société Coopérative Maritime de Lamanage des Ports du Havre et Antifer
The cooperative mooring company of the ports of Le Havre and Antifer is a private company existing since 1937, approved by the Grand Port Maritime du Havre. Licensed and qualified sailors serving ships 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Le Havre boat mooring has 68 mooring sailors, 17 speedboats from 7 to 17 m spread throughout the port and 12 mooring trucks. We work for all sea vessels, on the 10,000 ha of the port: from the dikes to the Tancarville lock, as well as to Antifer. We moor ships of all sizes (from 30 to 400 m), carrying all types of goods and in all weather. Permanently present at the port, we ensure the safety of ships with nautical and land resources, from the moment they enter the port until they leave the dikes. We are also active in the fight against pollution by providing nautical and human resources for the installation of dams. As part of the agreement with the GPMH, training exercises are regularly organized. We provide sailors to complement the crew for ship or barge maneuvering. We also have a harbor taxi service with the Saint Sauveur speedboat for crew changes, transport of technicians and experts on ships at anchor.
Our services
- Mooring, releasing and unhauling commercial ships
- Pollution control
- Crew complement
- harbor service

Cours de la Manche - B.P. 1297
76068 LE HAVRE cedex - FRANCE
Tél. +33 2 35 42 58 17
Nos Moyens
14 NEPTUNE type launches from 7 to 9 m (100 to 300 HP).
2 POSEIDON mini tugs 11 m (250 HP) for Antifer
1 SAINT SAUVEUR speedboat 17 m (2x500 HP 28 knots) for harbor service.
Land Means:
For ship mooring operations, the company has 12 mooring trucks equipped with capstans, and a fleet of vehicles to travel throughout the port.
Technical Means:
We have a workshop allowing the maintenance of all nautical and land equipment, as well as a workshop truck to operate throughout the port.